Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I was having such a good day "heal toe" walking today!! We were able to get a good video of my foot NOT dragging!! There is a large mirror in front of me- I am focusing on my feet in the mirror. This past week I have had some good days with not as much dragging.. I am really working hard and this is a good video of me walking the best I have yet. I hold my hands like that I guess for comfort or balance. My PT-Mike, is trying to have me not looking down or hold my hands together any more but I am guessing that will take a little time. Still needing that "gate belt" when walking :( .. fingers crossed for me being able to walk by the summer!!!

My PT  Mike is having me try to do heel toe but going backwards. That is hard because my brain was just working on me trying to walk forward. But he says we have to send different signals to my brain and teach myself new things. I am again watching my foot in the tall mirror... this is still pretty hard for me.

This is me on the "rocker board". When I first started this in October I was so scared. Mike would have to hold me and put his foot on the board to help me rock. He still does at times but today I was doing it mostly on my own. This was my biggest fear at therapy and I am almost doing it alone!! We tried to go side to side by I still need 100% assistance for that- sometimes 2 therapists have to help me. I am happy I am doing better with front to back. This will help my dorsiflex- I can't wait to be able to drive again!

This is me side shuffling. I use to need my walker or hold Mike's hands. I am now just doing them with Mike holding my belt.

*Thank you to therapist Joe for video taping :)

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