Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My first picture of me with Lyme

The one and only picture I have of me in the hospital. I have my walker I need to get around for 2 months and you can see the Bells Palsy as well as my picc line in my right arm.

This is what my picc line looked like it. It went into a blood vessel in my right arm and then stopped in my superior vena cava. It was 33cm long.
**For those of your with a picc line ... I ordered a cute lyme cover on Etsy to help cover your picc line and give you something pretty to look at.


  1. Thanks for all the info. Passing this on to the family. God bless and prayers for a speedy recovery!!

    1. Sure.. I hope this can help!! Thanks for reading! Let's Raise Awareness!!! :) keep me posted on your family <3

  2. Samantha...I am so sorry to have learned this! It's great you are giving us all this good information. I saw you outside Birches a few months ago with Mrs. Miller and just thought you may have broken a bone in your leg...I feel so bad I didn't say anything. Prayers are coming your way and keep being as strong as you are!
    -Alisa Ficchi
