Sunday, April 15, 2012

Herxing.. the good/bad thing...

This is a picture of my at infusion. I was feeling so sick from the "Herx"  that I just wanted to sit in the quiet kid room..

I have been SO sick this week. I am now having a Herxheimer Reaction also known as Herxing (“The Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction, or more commonly knows as ”herx,” is a detoxification reaction your body has from die off of bacteria. It is the worsening of symtpoms before getting better. As the body detoxifies, or tried to get rid of dead bacteria and toxins, it is not uncommon to experience flu-like symptoms including headache, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sore throat, general malaise, sweating, chills, fever, nausea or other symptoms. This is a normal reaction when starting a treatment for Lyme Disease , Syphillis, or Candida, and some other infections. It indicates that parasites, fungus, viruses, bacteria or other pathogens are being effectively killed off.The Herxheimer Reaction is an immune system reaction to the toxins that are released when large amounts of pathogens are being killed off, and the body does not eliminate the toxins quickly enough. Simply stated, it is a reaction that occurs when the body is detoxifying and the released toxins,(endotoxins) released from the cell walls of dying bacteria due to effective treatment, either exacerbate the symptoms being treated or create new symptoms. The important thing to note is that worsening symptoms do not indicate failure of the treatment in question; in fact, usually just the opposite”)…

I have been so nauseous, headaches, ear pain, ear pressure, joint pain, pain all over.. it is terrible… it is just when is too much of a “bad” thing a :good” thing?

Last Friday, April, 6 I went to the neurologist. He said I have made major improvement with my arm and leg since August. I know with all the physical therapy & medications I am hoping to be better soon with walking! He also took me off of the Elavil and lowered my Neurotin to 400mg 2x a day from 600mg 2x a day. I don’t see him again until July and I am now out of work until July as well. So yes, I missed the entire 2011-2012 school year :(

Tuesday, I started a new medication called Flagyl. I was told that I may feel a little nauseous on this medicine…. Well a little.. umm try a WHOLE LOT! I was told to take 2-500mg pills daily for 14 days. Break for 2 weeks then start back up for 3 weeks (this is an addition to my other medications and supplements). I have been so sick it is crazy. As mentioned earlier I am guessing that I am “Herxing”.  I am so nauseous that I can’t even be around food, my head and ears have so much pressure that I feel someone is squeezing my head together, I am pretty much seeing double, head is pounding, pains everywhere, and now a lump formed behind my ear ( I am guessing it is a lymph node) . The pain was so bad yesterday ( Saturday, 4/14/12) that I made a house call to my doctor and told him I can’t take the pill, I feel like I need to go to the hospital. So he told me to stop for the day and to try one pill for tomorrow (meaning today). Well the rest of the day yesterday I was sick and I woke up terrible this morning and decided not to take a pill. I will meet with him tomorrow. I am feeling a little better since I am able to write this but this is now 2 days off and I am still feeling terrible. I did take a detox bath today with only epsom salts and hydrogen peroxide as well as drank 8 glasses of water with lemon, I read this will help detoxing and getting rid of the toxins.  I can not wait to beat this disease!!!!!!!! 

I will meet with the doctor tomorrow and hopefully find out what I can do. I may just need to accept the “herx” in order to get better. I am trying but it is the worst!!!

I did see my integrative medicine doctor on Wednesday and I did get the bee venom injected into my brain and lower back. I also had the auto-sangris therapy as well. He tested me and said that my Lyme, co-infections & metals look like they are getting better but I still have a way to go. We will see! He also did acupuncture and place some needles in my head and pin pointed the nerve damage of my leg. I was able to lift my foot (dorsiflexion) better than I can without the needles. That just helped give me hope for 100% recovery to walk again.

I know this treatment is going to be rough and I refuse to give up. Lyme is a scary disease and we really need to raise awareness of what it can do. Thanks to Dr. Phil for putting it on his show and help raise awareness! Please continue to share and discuss this disease so we can get all of the doctors on the same page to treat those living with Lyme. Let’s Raise Awareness! <3 

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