Friday, April 27, 2012

Good bye brace.. almost :)

So even though I have been SO sick lately I am doing much better with my walking!! I honestly think it is a combination of things: IV meds, oral meds, bee venom shot & most importantly the Tens Unit. My therapist is the best. He is one of the most caring therapist a person could have. Without all of his help and support I know I would not be walking like I am today.. or even typing this post!  Thank you Mike ( Victory Physical Therapy-Mullica Hill, NJ) for ALL that you do!!
This is me walking with the tens unit on. I have the electrodes on the heel and bottom of my right foot. I then run the wire up my right leg and an able to control them with the unit. This helps sends signals to my brain saying “ hey, here’s your foot.. now walk!” J My foot does pretty well with my dorsiflexion using the tens! YayI went from a walker/wheechair in late summer/fall to this now! yay!:

This is me walking with.. NOTHING!! That is right.. nothing!! The tens unit lets me have a good carry over! I think about 1200 ft!! I am moving in the right direction!!

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