So, I am still not sure of the extension. I will have been on IV antibiotics for a total of 90 days. I just think that I need to give my body a rest and see what it can fight on its own. I think I will stick with bee venom and naturals but still unsure about the IV antibiotics.
I am doing so much better with my walking though!! I walked home 4 blocks from beach, walked a little on the boardwalk, and walked on the beach all with NO assistive device! Yes, my gait is still off but I am doing much much better! I tried walking on treadmill today and could only do speed .5… it is tough walking on a moving surface!! But I have been walking and practicing dribbling a ball at the same time and am doing OK but it is good for me to multitask and get my brain moving!
I do feel better but still not me. I know it won’t happen over night but in August I will be fighting this (well since I have been diagnosed) for a year.. So I am hoping in August I will start to feel a little better.
This Friday, my old high school, Clearview Regional HS, will be doing an interview on me for Lyme Disease. I am happy that I can help raise awareness to the high school students. It will be posted on the school news as well as the local channel.. Let’s Raise Awareness!!
So I am around day 50 on my IV treatment and I am suppose to have 60 days total of rocephin and vancomycin… am I feeling better- yes, I am. I would say that I have better than I did 2 months ago. Can I pretty much walk independently- Yes! That is the most positive thing happening.. but how do I feel.. POOPY!
I still feel very fatigued, brain fog, dizziness/headaches, ear pain. Is any of that better- Some days.. definitely! But most days.. no. I will say that I am having some weekends when I feel GREAT! This past weekend I went to a craft fair, the Phillies game, a friends house. It was amazing to be able to go out and not be a bump on a log on the couch.
I am VERY thankful and grateful to be able to walk again but I also want to be feeling well too. I am on the Tindamax- two 500mg daily.. on top of everything else. As well as the Samento and Banderol Drops. I would say this week I am just tired and my body aches and my head is the worst.. I actually have been writing this for a while and have to keep breaking b/c the computer screen is too much for me to handle.
So.. I meet with my LLMD every week (well sometimes the PA at the LLMD office) they were asking me about my symptoms and all… they said I may need to be extended! I am not looking forward to sitting at the doctors everyday for infusion any longer!! This is my 2nd round of IV antibiotics but the first time I only had 28 days. I just wish I knew what I needed to do.. is 2 weeks enough extension.?? I even heard 30 days!?? NOOO! I just think I want to see if my body can fight this nasty disease off on its own.
Any other Lymies: Should I try azithromycin IV?? I do take it orally? Should I stay with rocephin and vancomycin? Just looking for some opinions.
Tomorrow, I meet with my integrative medicine doctor and get the bee venom shots and acupuncture… I wonder if I can just continue treatment through holistic medicine. Hoping I hear good news tomorrow.. I am just feeling pretty yucky but again super happy about my walking!
So today in PT- the therapist, Steph, had me dribble a basketball and walk at the same time. Wow! I never realized how much I am telling my brain “heal,tow,heal,toe” as I am walking. As soon as I had to concentrate on the ball dibbling my foot began to drag. I was so upset. I stopped and we practiced heal/toe walks and then I tried again and it was better.. but yes- I had to say aloud heal/toe. It is just crazy how your brain works. Before this disease I would never have to think about what I was doing physically. Now, The whole time I am walking I have to repeat in my head what to do- it is just crazy what a tick can do!
I am determined to be running and dribbling one day.. it will happen ;) I will keep you posed
Playing Twister in PT. This is something that I would have not even been close to be able to do.. bending down, getting up, listening to where my hands and feet go and being able to follow through.. This is such a big deal to me and hopefully a good sign that I will be back to teaching by September!! :)
No Tens, No Brace.. yay!!! I have been able to walk short distances with out either (into resturants, stores, doctors office, etc.) I have been using my Tens to walk long distances ( shopping, walking at the park or boardwalk).. I think that by the time summer comes.. I will be walking with nothing!!! I do need to wear sneakers or flats- flip flops are just so much work right now... but hey.. I will talk it :)
Me and My Lymies getting our treatment and wearing our lime green to help raise Lyme Disease Awareness!!!