Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Extension…grrrr.. uggggghhh

So I am around day 50 on my IV treatment and I am suppose to have 60 days total of rocephin and vancomycin… am I feeling better- yes, I am. I would say that I have better than I did 2 months ago. Can I pretty much walk independently- Yes! That is the most positive thing happening.. but how do I feel.. POOPY!

I still feel very fatigued, brain fog, dizziness/headaches, ear pain. Is any of that better- Some days.. definitely! But most days.. no. I will say that I am having some weekends when I feel GREAT! This past weekend I went to a craft fair, the Phillies game, a friends house. It was amazing to be able to go out and not be a bump on a log on the couch.

I am VERY thankful and grateful to be able to walk again but I also want to be feeling well too. I am on the Tindamax- two 500mg daily.. on top of everything else. As well as the Samento and Banderol Drops. I would say this week I am just tired and my body aches and my head is the worst.. I actually have been writing this for a while and have to keep breaking b/c the computer screen is too much for me to handle.

So.. I meet with my LLMD every week (well sometimes the PA at the LLMD office) they were asking me about my symptoms and all… they said I may need to be extended! I am not looking forward to sitting at the doctors everyday for infusion any longer!! This is my 2nd round of IV antibiotics but the first time I only had 28 days. I just wish I knew what I needed to do.. is 2 weeks enough extension.?? I even heard 30 days!?? NOOO!  I just think I want to see if my body can fight this nasty disease off on its own. 

Any other Lymies: Should I try azithromycin IV?? I do take it orally? Should I stay with rocephin and vancomycin? Just looking for some opinions.

Tomorrow, I meet with my integrative medicine doctor and get the bee venom shots and acupuncture…  I wonder if I can just continue treatment through holistic medicine. Hoping I hear good news tomorrow.. I am just feeling pretty yucky but again super happy about my walking!

So today in PT- the therapist, Steph, had me dribble a basketball and walk at the same time. Wow! I never realized how much I am telling my brain “heal,tow,heal,toe” as I am walking. As soon as I had to concentrate on the ball dibbling my foot began to drag. I was so upset. I stopped and we practiced heal/toe walks and then I tried again and it was better.. but yes- I had to say aloud heal/toe. It is just crazy how your brain works. Before this disease I would never have to think about what I was doing physically. Now, The whole time I am walking I have to repeat in my head what to do- it is just crazy what a tick can do!

I am determined to be running and dribbling one day.. it will happen ;)  I will keep you posed

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