Friday, December 28, 2012

looking forward to 2013 :)

I hope all of my lymies and others had a wonderful holiday!!

I can't help but think about this past year of my life.. WOW!

a year ago from today I was in so much pain, not walking, numb, and so confused as to why my body was like this. So confused as to why I couldn't find a doctor to treat CHRONIC Lyme. It was around this time with the help of my Dad that we found 2 Lyme doctors. A LLMD ( Lyme Literate Medical Dr) and an Integrative Medicine Dr. My first visit to them both was in January 2012...

So here we are 3 picclines,  a dozen natural medications, and quite a view oral antibiotics later - on top of Physical Therapy and lots of rest and prayer ( read my entire blog for a list of all medications)... but a year later...

I am a full time special education teacher who can:  run errands, WALK,  drive, plan parties, attend parties, stay out late and wake up early the next morning, live my life again with my husband! So I am telling you all of this for those of you who are where I was last year- this time last year I was searching for blogs, for doctors, for HELP!

I will tell you this... I will always have Lyme Disease and I am OK with that. It is now a part of me and it has made me the person that I am today. I know that I will never let it win and take over my body again. EVER! If you are someone fighting this disease now you need to stay positive!! POSITIVE POSITIVE POSITIVE! I know with me telling my body out loud that we will fight this and me believing that I will be better has helped me get better. You need to surround yourself with people who will be by your side and fight for you- surround yourself with love- it helps!

Please email me if you ever need to talk or need a friend for help or to listen.

Looking forward to the new year so that I can put all of the pain behind me. I know good things will happen to me this year!

Praying and wishing all of my Lymies a Happy and HEALTHY 2013!! xo


  1. So glad to read this! I am using you as a standard for where I would like to be. Now, 4 months after the PICC pulled, still having issues. Glad to hear you are loving life again! Hope you have a wonderful holiday season

  2. Thanks Alicia. Don't get me wrong I am still cold and numb on my right side and still am tired but I don't have to stop what I'm doing. I have back problems now from not walking before and SI joint instability but lots of ppl have back problems so I can't really complain. Yes, my joints hurt at times but I take a few Advil and it helps. Honestly though I have taken NO medication in 2 months.. Not even supplements!! Wanted to clean my body.. So maybe that's why I still feel things but hey I'm living my life and you will too!!! Praying you feel better soon! Have a Happy and Healthy New Year!! Xo

  3. It was so good to see you healthy and vibrant today. I remember last year and all you went through. Needless to say, glad you are living life again. I am still fighting and will never give up either. Love, Sheila
