Monday, November 26, 2012


It has been awhile since I have written on my blog. Since September I have been super busy with weddings, bridal showers, parties, teaching.. etc.. But you know what... IT IS A GOOD THING! Last year at this time I was trying to walk and use my right arm again, read a book, and control my pain. So I will take the stress of being busy any day of the week... it actually feels good to be part of something all the time. Though I am mentally and physically exhausted, I would say that it is good for me- if that makes sense…

So how am I doing?? Well, compared to last year I would say that I am 85% better!! My brain has been a lot clearer over the past few months. I am sure working is helping that… My right leg and arm- consonantly numb... I guess it will always be?? It is has been numb and ice cold for over a year now. It is uncomfortable but not painful just annoying really. But... my back is terrible. I just recently had an MRI done. They found degenerated disc disease prominently in my L4 & L5 along with SI instability.  I continue to go to PT (I have been with my PT, Mike, since last September- he is great and is always helping me with what I need.. all the PT’s there do!!) every time I go I need my hip adjusted. Mike things this whole back thing is mechanical for how I walked and sat for so long. So I am hoping with all of my PT and exercises the pain will eventually go away. So we will see!

 As for my Lyme… this month I have been 5 months LYME FREE!! (Well for active Lyme of course- I will always have Chronic Lyme Disease.) I am truly so happy that my body is continuing to fight this battle without tons of antibiotics! I continue to take supplements and vitamins but that is it!! I still can’t believe how much stuff I was taking at one time. I do not go back to my LLMD until January where I will get my CD57 number and PCR number... I think I may even get a new western blot test done. So here is to hoping all stays well.

I continue to have hope and pray for myself and all the other people suffering with Lyme. Am I the same girl that I was prior to Lyme? NO. I am not that girl... But I am the new me and I like this me too. I definitely have a different perspective on life and I am grateful that I am walking, driving, teaching and being able to hang out. I just may get tired faster or have joint pain.. but hey.. I will take that over last year any day.. I promise to not stay away so long like last time. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and thought about what they were thankful for.. I know I sure did.

Let’s Raise Awareness!

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